Ikoula managed services: Outsourcing

Managing your IT with IKOULA Managed Services

A managed service involves taking over the remote management of an IT platform on behalf of a company. This service is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses as well as large companies, whatever its sector of business.

  • For small and medium-sized companies, server management is frequently a very time-consuming and sometimes unpredictable task. Either they hire a system administrator who is likely to be understaffed internally and represents an irreducible cost, or they rely on ad hoc interventions by service providers. As an MSP or Managed Services Provider, IKOULA offers continuous support designed to anticipate your needs.
  • For large companies, that already have a CIO (Chief Information Officer), IKOULA's managed services offer relieves that person from daily management tasks. This allows the company's IT department to focus on its internal customers and on developing its business applications.

The three pillars of managed services at IKOULA

  • The monthly package keeps your budget under control

    The IT budget is a real issue for any company. Each year brings its share of innovations, changes and the need to adapt to changing customer needs... This is particularly true for small and medium-sized companies. Often, when they encounter a problem, they have to call on an external service, the responsiveness of which is not guaranteed, and the price of which can be very high.

    IKOULA offers a fixed monthly fee for the remote management of your IT platforms. This lets you anticipate and better control your budget and better plan the scope of your future investments.

  • An automated process

    We maximize the automation of repetitive and monitoring tasks to free up our IT engineers' resources for complex tasks. This automation ensures that IKOULA IT Managed Services specialists are available to carry out high value-added work while conventional maintenance work is carried out in the background. We focus on our relationship with you, the customer, to provide you with a service that is tailored to your needs.

  • Proactive support

    We can provide a proactive service because of our specialists' availability. We carry out monthly audits of each platform or server, which allows us to analyze logs and trends in the use of resources. This means we can anticipate and act proactively on potential increase requirements.

    Our teams also monitor the following day-to-day:

    • - Security vulnerabilities in all applications and the system.
    • - Support of solutions and systems provided by vendors so we can respond if support for a solution is discontinued.
    • - Backup status and availability of resources to always ensure a functional backup.

    IKOULA differentiates itself by its ability to anticipate your needs and even possible failures. This allows us to provide solutions before your activity is impacted.

Our competitive Managed Services offer

In concrete terms, our services include day-to-day support for our customers in managing their IT infrastructure and ensuring its supervision and monitoring. Whether it's helping you adapt your tools to your ever-changing needs, monitoring the smooth running of all processes or intervening in an emergency to repair a fault or replace equipment, IKOULA does it all. Our aim is to simplify your work by taking over your IT management tasks and, above all, by identifying potential faults in good time.
As the needs of each company are different and specific according to their size and sector of activity, we have divided our offer into three levels:

SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM Our proactive approach is reflected and guaranteed in all our packages,
as is access to our managed services experts.

  • SILVER: general monitoring including customer and hardware support

    The SILVER offer guarantees proactive intervention after detection of an anomaly, as well as hardware replacement within 12 hours.
    But the primary advantages are regular monitoring, including a monthly hardware and security audit with e-mail reporting.

  • GOLD: a customized co-management package tailored to your processes

    With the GOLD offer, intervention procedures can be customized. These are also greatly accelerated as we guarantee a response and intervention within 4 hours by e-mail and within 15 minutes by telephone.
    Customization also extends to the monitoring procedures, and you as the customer are involved in creating the specifications.

  • PLATINUM: The most comprehensive managed services offer

    With the PLATINUM offer, you can be sure that our teams will take full responsibility for the administration of your system, from consultancy to technical management, including the implementation of upgrades. Everything is included, and all services are customizable. In addition, PLATINUM customers benefit from our total proactivity as we always offer solutions to develop your infrastructure according to your needs.